Saturday, August 1, 2009

Won't you come; and wash the rain away?

Friday, July 31st, 2009=

Today I awakened Nate to the D. To the O. To the double G. Then I convinced him yo actually get up out of bed and ready for the day. I agreed to cook him break - a - fist and eat with him if he would. I also took a walk and a drive with Latisha. We also had a pick-a-nick in the park. At the end, she called me her Brother and it felt SO FRICKIN’ GOOD! I get along with her staff Amanda, Brandy, my staff Mace... AND HERSELF so much more every time that I see them.(each individually, nobody in specific over anyone else.) While we were out during the day, James and I took the chance to go to the college library to work on my email and blogspot. While doing so, COMPLETELY BY “COINCIDENCE”... our path intersected with the path of Mace, who would be working later with me. He was a’ doin’ homework “wit” his awesome wife Brook and their little angel baby daughter Kennedy. Whenever I happen to see the little cherub, it brightens my day. I’m incessantly reminded when I DO see her of a quote by Carl Sandberg. “Babies are a sign that God wants life to go on.” NEXT TO MY OWN FRICKIN’ NIECES, she is one of the cutest little girls I’ve ever seen! Mace must be dang proud. He better be, ‘cause he deserves it! Amanda, ‘Tish. And I are gonna kick it again esta noche on another walk / pick - a -nick for dinner. I have asked Latisha AS KINDLY AS IS HUMANLY POSSIBLE... if she would watch her language with the F*** word, I told her that the vulgarity REALLY offended moi. Amanda heavily concurred! And... shockingly... it is working! I think that one of the reasons I so dig kickin’ it with ’Tish is because of the fact that I see that I REALLY AM making a positive influence in life. The more cleaned up and refined that she alters her personality... the more stunningly beautiful she becomes. She called me her Brother today. I found that right bitchin’. DANG... that feels good! I guess I may be a megalomaniac in training, or perhaps I simply like MAKING a good difference instead of BEING a bad difference? I prefer to think that it’s the latter! I truly do hope that some day She can be indefinitely happy. She really does deserve it. In a funkstah kind of way, things have been going exceptionally well lately. So many things that I was taught were “right”, and or “wrong” for my ENTIRE LIFE before the accident, are one by one being reciprocated in my current life. And I feel no guilt at all any longer. Just exactly who the Hell am I? Anyone? Anyone? Buellar? Buellar? Please, don’t get me wrong... no guilt, simply pseudo-painful confusion. I concluded the day gratefully, by kicking trash inordinately well in Tiger Woods Golf 2009 on the Wii. There was a huge frickin’ line of little video pixel hotties just a’ beggin’ for my autograph and a hug at the end of both matches I played! And there was much rejoicing... and Robin ate his minstrels. Again. And there was much rejoicing! Dang, Robin sure does go through those frickin’ minstrels right quick-like!

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