Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Every time that I look in the mirror; all these lines in my face gettin' clearer. You know it's true... all the things, come back to you!

It has been a long time! I do apoligise...I get so wrapped up in life and this just got buried. For YEARS of this second "life" which I have been given, I ne'er thought it to be possible for me to be interested in anything enough to forget doing a thing like this for so long! But alas, how times have changed!!! I just got a sweet ecsersize bike in my room and my foot was cleared last week by my foot surgeon to use it again! Oh yes; for those of you who don't know... I broke my foot, and my back, and my neck. Okay... that last part was crap, but the first two were true! (And, quite painful.) After my foot surgery and to assist with the healing of my broken lower vertebrate, I was in a wheelchair for another two months and a foot brace for two more! YES!!! How I have come to adore assistive devices. Wheel-chairs, canes, wieght-belts, diapers, prosthetic elbows! (Once again, I have TRUTHFULLY had the pleasure of experiencing all of those... EXCEPT FOR THE LAST ONE!) But, as The Reverend John Michael Osbourne once said... "No more tears!" I s'pose I shan't complain! I recently ascertained news that for my birthday gala this fine year... Mis Padres buenos will be sending me to Las Veznegas to see "Jersey Boys" and to visit Bourbon Street and partake of it's foretold visceral and aural splendor. If I was Yoda I would weigh much less. And be green. But I do digress, I would also have but one statement to make. That would be... "Ask not what your Country can do for you, ask what you can do for your Country!" No, no, that's not it. Crapola! It is... "Excited am I! Much rejoicing shall there be. And, Robin; eat his minstrels will! And much rejoicing there was!"
Some have called me strange... and I have begged to differ. But alas, I am beginning to wonder! Perhaps they are right? No... eccentricity goes for miles Ladies and Gentlemen. Miles!
So, overall, things are going very well. I'm comfortable with my body, my life, AND my mind for the first time since I was abruptly plowed by a truck coming up on 12 loooooong years ago. Bitterness is no longer existent AT ALL in my soul! I can't even begin to tell you how good that feels. What I have learned the most since that rueful day is that you don't REALLY know the spleandor and the succor of the sweet and the evanescent wonder of the most divine pleasure... until you have suffered through the unpleasantness of the most sour and experienced the most unpleasant pain!