Tuesday, August 11, 2009

You'll see your problems multiply when you continually decide to faithfully pursue the policy of truth!

Hello one, hello all. I have had a particularly good couple of days lately. I had a nice talk and spent some timeewith my friend little Latitia, then she became my little girlfriend Latitia! I truly mourn for her broken heart and shattered dreams, but I would be happy to help her heart heal and to pick up the dreams along the way. I will do this while, simultaineously; creating dreams that she could never could have had with that chode-smack little fiance whom she had! Truth be told, I'm glad that it DID happen now and not 10 years down the road, when there would have been no way to recover!
I hope that you are all doing well,
"Why do birds, suddenly appear, every time, she is near?"
Eric "Limping Stallion" Evans

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