Thursday, July 23, 2009

My FIRST birth!

I was born in Btfl. UT. I have 3 siblings who are all currently Married with Children. However... none of their spouses are named Peg or Al, and I have no family members named Bud or Kelly! Oh yes... and my Dad has never a once sold shoes. If I was asked to supply one word to the world about both of my lives, it would be the word "Blessed". If you know me AT ALL, then you might think this to be quite paradoxical. I say this because I MYSELF thought so as well for quite some time. However, that ship has sailed. After a series of epiphanies and some massive growth, I have come to view life from an entirely different standpoint!
- "Love and marraige, love and marraige. Go together like a horse and carraige. This I tell ya' Brother. You can't have one without the other!"

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