Wednesday, September 2, 2009

When Darkness Turns To Light, It Ends Tonight, It Ends Tonight, Just A Little. Just A Little Bit!.

Well, hello one and hello all... again!
I am not dead.
Much to Joe R.'s dismay!
SSSOOO sorry for the massive intermitant pauses and gaps in my blog entries. I simply get caught up so easily and quickly on facebook. I ADORE that program/ system!
I am starting to get surrounded by a whole other froup of friends here in Cedar. James, Joe M., John, Joe R., Janna, Alyssa, Angel, Logan, and Charlie The Magnificent... juat to name a few!I am really starting to enjoy my life more and more virtually every day. With the exception of one thing. Janna gives me a whole royal butt-load of crap. More than one humble man deserves. One humble... intelligent... suave... sexy... debonair... jaw-droppingly smart; and... tough... Mind-wrenchingly funny... now, did I mention humble? Notice that memory is not anywhere on the list!
I'm leaving manana for Jackson with mi familia mucha buena. I am so frickin' stoked. I will be back on this coming Monday evening. Good luck in all for all of you. I would like to thank those who are my friends. May you be blessed enough to have as much fun as I will have! Thanks again.
Nothin' but love for you all!
Eric "Limping Pony" Evans